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#BlackBusinessMonth - TASWIRA to host Reggae Mood Sessions on Saturday

TASWIRA (Transformative Action for Sustainable Women's Initiatives & Resources in Africa) African Streetwear has been making a name for itself both locally and abroad. Spearheaded by Avery Barnes, the company imports handmade clothing from Kenya while making sure to support those making the items. Barnes has made numerous trips to Kenya and works closely with the women who produce the goods. 

“Everything inside is made through a women's empowerment center that I've been developing in Kenya since 2019,” Barnes said. “Right when you walk in, you'll see a huge 20 foot mural of this tribe called the Maasai wearing our bucket hats.”

It’s a unique space, one that’s been specifically curated by Barnes through long days and longer nights.

“Now we have a space where we're able to do what we're doing in Kenya and be able to have that impact here in Seattle,” Barnes said. “The main goal has been being able to work with indigenous creatives.”

Now Barnes is set to host her first community event at the space. The Reggae Mood Sessions at TASWIRA will feature live music, food, dancing and more. For Barnes, it’s an opportunity to move towards her goal of creating an inclusive, communal space.

“Every person that comes into the space, they’re just like, wow, you know, this is amazing,” Barnes said. She also added that a portion of every ticket sold will go directly to the women in Kenya.

Barnes received a grant through the Seattle Restored program, and moved into the space she currently occupies. That grant, plus community support, has allowed TASWIRA to continue moving forward.

“We're really just trying to build community here,” Barnes said. “Especially in Pioneer Square, I want to make sure that this is a fully inclusive space for the BIPOC community there.”

That Barnes is just 22 years old is another factor in TASWIRA’s mission. She said her singular focus and passion has helped move the organization forward and empower communities in both Kenya and Seattle. 

“I've honestly put everything into this. It's taken a lot of sacrifice,” Barnes said. “I chose traveling to Africa instead of going to school. Everything has been kind of a trial, trial and error, but we received a lot of support when I started to put these pieces in fashion shows.”

Barnes used that presence to sell some of the items, flying back to Kenya and distributing the money amongst the women there.

“They were able to see the results in that,” Barnes said. “It really gave them even more hope, and we wanted to continue doing this.”

You can learn more about TASWIRA on their website by clicking here

Tickets for The Reggae Mood Sessions are $20 online/$30 at the door. To purchase click here

Check out our video feature on TASWIRA below