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Creative Justice Giveback Gets Youth Ready For School

#FeelGoodFriday - Last week, Besa Gordon checked in from the Creative Justice Back To School Giveback at Washington Hall. The event featured donations of clothing, school supplies, shoes and more as kids got ready to head back to school for the 2023-24 school year. There were also haircuts and more. It was an important event for the community to ensure that the youth are comfortable and ready to learn and push for their potential.

“Just wanting to be in the community and show up is important. We really care about providing support to the young people,” Creative Justice Director of Advocacy Nyasha Sarju said. 

Portia Flowers, the director of P’s Community Closet, said it was meaningful to be able to help out. 

“Growing up with a huge family, we’ve always poured back into our community,” Flowers said. “Having a heart for people and wanting to pour back into them is really what started this.

For Flowers, the pandemic was an inspiration to help others after seeing the ways the community was impacted.

“Because everyone is always in their own world, it’s easy to be disconnected from what’s going on right here,” Flowers said. “For me, when I see something, I want to act on it and by doing that it’s bringing to life the things that are missing in our community.”

It was a meaningful event which supported the community and provided resources to the youth. 

Make sure to tune into #Back2Besa this Saturday at 11:30 pm on FOX13 Seattle and Sunday at 10am on FOX13+ for more great stories like this one.