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Healing Toward Justice at CHOOSE 180’s Evening of Choice 2022  

CHOOSE 180 invites community members to heal  toward justice as its 6th annual Evening of Choice event. Evening of Choice is an opportunity to share space and stories as a community of support for young people. The celebration is on Wednesday, October 19 from 6:00-9:00 pm PDT at AXIS Pioneer  Square. Together, staff and guests will connect and hear from the hearts of those who  have been impacted by systems of injustice. This is a free community event with  appetizers and drinks from That Brown Girl Cooks, Footprint Wine Tap, and 23rd Ave.  Brewing. For more details and to register, visit 

The program will also be live-streamed at 6:45 pm PT on CHOOSE 180's YouTube  channel for anyone who is unable to join in person. No registration is needed for the  virtual option.  

About CHOOSE 180 

CHOOSE 180 transforms systems of injustice and supports the youth and young adults  impacted by those systems. It envisions a future where youthful behavior is  decriminalized and young people are offered restorative practices in lieu of traditional  prosecution. In place of the school-to-prison pipeline, a community will exist to help  young people realize their potential and provide them with the tools necessary to  achieve their goals.