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International Overdose Awareness Day Gathering In Seattle Includes Support, Resources, Reflection

Last Thursday was International Overdose Awareness Day, and those coping with the loss of loved ones as well as those who have or are currently battling addiction came together in an event organized by Deaunte Damper (community organizer of VOCAL-Wa). The gathering at 12th & Weller included resources, reflection and support for people in Seattle and beyond.

The gathering was emotional as well as hopeful, providing knowledge and resources as well as Naloxone training from King County Public Health to teach people how to help overdose victims. Damper was among the speakers and delivered a powerful message.

“It speaks volumes on how much our community is hurting. These are these people’s brother and sisters in community, and they just have to keep it rolling in survival,” Damper said. “It’s very rare people get a chance to feel. This is an amazing moment for our survivors.”

The mural that was signed by attendees in honor of those lost to overdoses was painted by Converge Media’s Art Queen Takiyah “TDUB” Ward. She said she was inspired by the power of the moment and hopes that her work made people feel loved and seen.

“It’s an honor to be a part of something so full of care for people. Such an important action right now for us all to reframe our relationship to what and who we are seeing be affected by the epidemic of overdose in this country,” Ward said. “Historically addiction has been incredibly mishandled, and so it’s up to us to choose now to do things differently so in the future we won’t suffer so many ills. As an artist living in Seattle I see everyday the impact of overdose in my community so to be able to act in art is just as much a gift to me as it is people who experience my work.” 

The event was organized in partnership with VOCAL-Wa, which aims to build power among low- and no- income people directly affected by the war on drugs, homelessness, mass incarceration, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic to create healthy and just communities for all. It was also a partnership with DESC - Housing and Health to End Homelessness, which aims to help people with the complex needs of homelessness, substance use disorders, and serious mental illness achieve their highest potential for health and well-being through comprehensive services, treatment, and housing.

Stay tuned for our video coverage from this powerful event.

If you or a loved one is battling addiction, or to learn more about how to treat overdose victims, you can visit this website:

Photos by Seattle photographer Susan Fried on behalf of Converge Media.