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King County Public Health’s Debra Berliner Speaks on Protecting Yourself Against COVID-19 Variants

Last week on #TheDayWithTrae, Trae Holiday was joined by Debra Berliner of Public Health Seattle & King County. In her role as the Immunizations Manager, she spoke on the importance of getting vaccinated and having accessible healthcare for people around the county.

"COVID likes to try to stay one step ahead of us,"Berliner said. "COVID is constantly trying to get past our immune system. When we've been vaccinated we have some immunity, but because the virus is changing we need our vaccines to match the circulating virus."

Berliner said there is currently a new vaccine which helps combat the latest strains of COVID. You can find out how you can get vaccinated by visiting

She also spoke on current information around vaccines and where the community stands when it comes to COVID-19 numbers.

"Most of the time, tests are happening at home and we don't see the results of those tests," Berliner said. We don't know exactly how many cases there are but we do look at other metrics like hospitilaztions."

Berliner said that they've seen a rise in hospitalizations, but lately the number has leveled off.

You can hear more in the full interview above.

Make sure to tune into The Day With Trae every weekday from 11 - 11:30 am on all Converge Media platforms for more.