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#AllStarArt</a> - The Railspur Public Art Alley is the Place to go for All-Star Art

The Railspur Public Art Alley in Pioneer Square is the place to go to see some of Seattle’s hottest up and coming visual artists display their baseball-themed work during All-Star Week. We stopped by to check in with Shakore Nelson to hear about what makes the alley so special. 

“I’m happy to see different elements bridging the gaps of communities,” Nelson said. “It’s cool to see a the culture from a different perspective now that I’m an adult.”

One of Nelson’s pieces on display is a mural of Mariners legend Ichiro Suzuki, which Nelson said was the first mural he ever painted.

“It was a huge honor to do that - I remember grabbing my first Ichiro bobblehead and he’s a representation of the city,” Nelson said.

There’s also an indoor portion, where Nelson has more pieces on display including paintings of Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente. 

“I kinda freestyle everything - my process is kind of all over the place,” Nelson said. “The piece really represents how my mind works. I’ve been an artist all my life.”

You can head down to Pioneer Square and check out Nelson’s work as well as other baseball-themed art at the public art alley located at 1499 Post Alley, Seattle, WA 98101