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Tiffany Moore, creator of The Baldie Brand, joins The Day With Trae

Tiffany Moore, founder and CEO of the Baldie Brand, discovered she was continuously losing hairs that refused to grow back. "As I'm going to the beauty shop, my loctician started noticing that my hair started thinning at the top," explained Tiffany.

She became anxious and went for a consultation, where the doctor noticed her low iron and blood levels after a medical examination. 

"They tested me for lupus, vitamin D, and my iron; thank God everything came back negative, but I had low blood pressure and low vitamin D," said Tiffany.

Her anxiety deepened when she discovered no improvement with the drugs or treatment. She consulted a trichologist upon recommendation, but the result from the trichologist worsened her anxiety.

"She does her study, and she had me sit down. She comes back from the room, and she says, ‘Well, your hair is never going to grow back; you have alopecia areata," Moore said. "After I left her, I went to my car and cried for like two hours."

She changed her look and went bald on the advice of her beautician.

A while after, she picked up the courage to make positive public representations of bald people. 

"After a couple of months of dealing with just being bald, I said, you know what, there's got to be some people there feeling the way I'm feeling," Tiffany said. "I started coming up with these different messages, and I said I think I should start putting them on shirts or hoodies that represent bald people."

Her brand, Baldie Brand, stems from the idea that nothing is wrong with being bald. "The reason why I came up with the brand is to remind the world that bald is beautiful and you don't have to have hair to be beautiful," Moore affirmed.

Addressing the reactions from society, Moore stated that her husband and everyone around have been supportive. 

"My husband, my friends, my family, they're amazing, and they love the brand."