CD Panthers: The Marathon

D'Vonne Pickett Jr. made an unmistakable impact on the community in both the Central District and Seattle as a whole. One way he did so was through the CD Panthers football program, where he served as the head coach for the 6u team that his son plays for. We followed that team through the end of their season and the championship game after Pickett's tragic death.

This film, produced as a gift to the Pickett family and the CD Panther Football and Cheer program, honors and uplifts the contributions Pickett made to the team and the community as a whole.


This film took a look at the historic and beloved CD Panthers youth football and cheer program, which has been positively impacting the lives of children in the Central District for decades. We set out to create this film following the tragic death of D’Vonne Pickett Jr., who served as the head coach of the program’s 6u team, and it quickly became one of our favorite films to have worked on. Telling the story not only of D’Vonne’s impact but of the youth and other coaches involved with the team and program was a beautiful and fitting tribute to a man who gave so much. This film was produced by Ronnel Moore.