Join us for a special edition of Community Voices featuring Vault89 CEO and Former Seahawks Wide Receiver Doug Baldwin and Seattle Foundation President and CEO Alesha Washington. They’ll discuss Doug’s work creating the Family First Foundation and Community Center in Renton as well as how the Seattle Foundation is working with organizations to push the community forward and build a more connected and equitable city. They’ll also cover issues facing communities around Seattle and speak to their experiences around potential solutions.

Filmed at Arte Noir in Seattle’s legendary Central District Neighborhood, this was a memorable conversation.



  • Doug Baldwin Jr — Chief Executive Officer of Vault89 and Founder of the Family First Community Center Foundation. Doug is a philanthropic activist with a passion for creating empathic solutions to complex problems. As the recipient of the Martin Luther King Jr. Medal of Distinguished Service Award and the Paul G. Allen Humanitarian Award, the former Super Bowl Champion is the youngest ever appointee to the WA State Clemency and Pardons Board. Most importantly, Doug is a devoted husband and father.

  • On May 11, 2022, Alesha Washington began her tenure as President and CEO of the Seattle Foundation. She most recently served as the program director for Vibrant Neighborhoods and Inclusive Economy at The George Gund Foundation based in Cleveland, Ohio. During her time at the Gund Foundation, Alesha led the collaborative efforts of the senior program team to strengthen democracy building and civic engagement strategies statewide. She also directed grantmaking strategies to bolster community revitalization, economic growth, and resident leadership.

    Prior to her role with the Gund Foundation, Alesha was the Vice President of Government Advocacy for the Greater Cleveland Partnership, one of the largest chambers of commerce in the country. In her role, she served as the lead advocate on local, state, and federal policy issues impacting the Northeast Ohio business community and economic development efforts.

  • The Family First Community Center Foundation was founded by Doug Baldwin, in public/private partnership with the City of Renton, Renton School District, and HealthPoint, to build a state-of-the-art community center in Renton’s Cascade/Benson Hill neighborhood.

    Their vision is to provide youth and families in the area with a community center that offers health, wellness, recreational and educational opportunities.

  • Few regions in the world match Seattle’s growth and prosperity. But accompanying our good fortunes are great challenges, including widening wealth disparities, that weaken our community’s vibrancy. Philanthropy can—and must—step in. Using our philanthropic expertise, deep community roots, and network of partners, Seattle Foundation develops targeted strategies to create a stronger community.

    Seattle Foundation is an agent of change. Every day, we convene, communicate with, and catalyze our philanthropic partners to advance this ideal, uniting passion and discipline to create lasting impact. Together, we ignite powerful, rewarding philanthropy to make Greater Seattle a stronger, more vibrant community for all.

  • ARTE NOIR, founded by Vivian Phillips, first launched as an online publication in May 2021 dedicated to creating an online gathering place for exploring the dynamic creativity that springs from African and African American culture. By June 2021, ARTE NOIR incorporated as a not-for-profit organization to encapsulate both the online publication and the project to create space, stability, opportunity and training to serve the needs of the Black creative community with a permanent location at Midtown Square.