Celebrate Juneteenth! Juneteenth recognizes of the emancipation of African American enslaved people on June 19, 1863. Multi-genre guests will share Juneteenth's history through storytelling, music, movement and reflection.
Class facilitated by Merri Ann Osborne and The Mahogany Project.
SilverKite Community Arts offers online inter-generational workshops, talks, social hours and performances FREE for KCLS patrons. We hope that by offering these opportunities, we are providing stimulating creative engagement opportunities and social connection. This workshop will be an hour and a half long.
Dress in comfortable clothing, water and a snack, pen or pencil and paper, percussive instruments (drums, egg shakers, tambourine - optional), items from nature (flower petals, leaves, twigs, etc)
Register at silverkite.us/kcls.