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Black Artists You Should Know: Barbara Earl Thomas

Ms. Barbara is not for the faint of heart nor conviction.. Her presence urges you to stand tall in your truth and your words. A quality you don't find much of in Seattle, as most are preoccupied with comfort and pleasantry. For some this type of interaction can seem scrutinous, I welcome it and for two reasons. One, because it means you care. And two, because who are you if no one questions your existence? She reminds me of my people from the South who didn't lose themselves when they came up North. 

In Barbara’s episode, we learn of her upbringing, schooling, and what drives her to make the most of every day. But more importantly we learn what it means to be of service in all that you do. “You see a problem? Fix it.” No matter your position you have the power to make change if you practice being aware. “Fail, not to the world but to yourself” and “whatever mistakes are made in this piece get corrected in the next.” It’s about being a better version of yourself with everything you do , planning to fail which creates opportunity for correction. If we are each doing that on an individual, micro level, that reverberates through the whole. This is something I have been preaching for some time and part of why this show Art Of The Matter exists. It’s nice to have someone like Barbara affirm those ideas. 

Most recently, Ms. Barbara visited Yale for part one of her stained glass installation at the university’s Grace Hopper College. She will also be opening an exhibition at the Claire Oliver Gallery in New York later this year. In 2023 She will have an exhibition at the Chrysler Museum in Virginia, as well as the unveiling of two new pieces for the Judkins Park Light Rail Station featuring noted writers August Wilson and Charles Johnson.

 Safe to say Barbara Earl Thomas is doing the work of ensuring she speaks to the times from her position as a maker and creating a world where we all get to witness one anothers truth from a place of care and connection. Appreciate all that you do Ms Barbara, Thank you.