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Keanna Pickett Announces Plan To Re-Launch The Postman, Remain In Seattle’s Central District

“With all the shootings that are happening, I feel like it's my responsibility to choose to stand up and be brave, and continue the dreams that my husband and I had for the community.” - Keanna Pickett.

Keanna Pickett hosted a press conference this morning announcing the relaunch of The Postman. The beloved Central District Business will re-open in a new storefront at the same building as before. The decision comes after the murder of co-owner D’Vonne Pickett Jr. was tragically murdered last year and the building was further vandalized last month. 

“Despite the challenges faced, The Postman remains committed to the community it serves,” Keanna Pickett said. “We have actively been a part of finding solutions to the issues of gentrification and gun violence that have plagued our neighborhood.”

Picket spoke about her decision to stay in the Central District, saying that while she initially planned to leave she felt the pull of her community and the purpose to fight.

“The legacy that we've planted here in the Central District is more important than my fear,” Pickett said. “I feel like fear is alive. And I feel like when we look back on gentrification, and what are some of the causes, it's our choice, we choose to move out, we argue with our family members. And we can't see the bigger picture.”

Pickett also announced a partnership with RISE for the 2nd straight holiday season for the Holiday Hope Drive, which aims to collect toys and other essential donations to support children and families impacted by gun violence. The Postman is also now a designated Amazon Hub, and will be featured in The Intentionalists’s Black Black Friday campaign. 

“The Postman is excited to embark on this new chapter as we celebrate our resilience, unity, and commitment to building a brighter future together,” Pickett said. 

Pickett hopes that this isn’t the last good news to come from The Postman, as she looks towards expansion and a dream to continue to uplift and impact communities around Seattle.

“We have a dream to have the postman in every neighborhood. It's a very needed hub. It's a very needed business that all communities can benefit from. So when you asked me what changed my minds, is my family, my dreams, my community,” Pickett said. 

Photos by Seattle photographer Jordan Somers on behalf of Converge Media.