Participate in the future of your Seattle Parks and Recreation


Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) needs to hear from you! How can SPR support our community as we implement our 2020 – 2032 Strategic Plan? Your input will help us identify critical needs and priorities as we plan for the next three years and beyond. Please visit Seattle Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan Implementation online open house at today! 

The purpose of this online open house is to seek community input to inform our plans for pandemic and economic recovery, responding to climate change, and supporting racial equity. We want to learn more about what you want to see in your parks, open spaces, and community centers in the coming years.

“Our charge as public servants and stewards of this incredible system is to ensure we’re serving our community, especially those with the greatest needs. We can only do that if we have a clear vision for our work, if we’re engaged in authentic and open dialogue with our constituents, and if we are able to articulate our plans for meeting the needs of community. To accomplish this, we need to create an implementation plan that directs the adaptation of our programs, services, and amenities to aid in our city’s recovery and meet the needs of our changing city,” said Jesús Aguirre, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent.

In March 2020, after extensive public input, SPR released an updated Strategic Plan to guide programming, services, and investments from 2020 to 2032. Guided by a new Pathway to Equity, a roadmap for SPR to play our part in ending institutional and structural racism in Seattle, the plan identified 40 strategies to advance our collective vision. These strategies support our vision of promoting healthy people, a healthy environment, and strong communities while pursuing racial equity and organizational excellence. Read more about the Strategic Plan and Pathway to Equity

“As we look to implement the priorities in our 2020-2032 Strategic Plan, it’s critical to check back in with communities we serve and consider the dramatic change and disruption we’ve faced over the past 18 months through the COVID-19 pandemic, the associated economic downturn, the nationwide racial reckoning, and the increasing impacts of climate change,” said Aguirre.

This engagement effort to support Strategic Plan implementation will also inform the next six-year cycle of the voter-approved Seattle Park District, which was also put on hold during the pandemic. The Seattle Park District is a sustainable funding source to repair, maintain, and restore basic services at the city’s parks, community centers, and regional attractions, and provides about 20% of SPR’s funding. Originally planned for 2021-2026, the next Park District funding cycle will now span 2023-2028. SPR will resume this financial planning process in early 2022.

For more information on the Strategic Plan and how your participation in the Strategic Plan Implementation online open house will contribute to the future of SPR please visit or contact


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