Rainier Beach High School Rebuild Structural Steel Progress

“The connection with community on this project has been more robust, fruitful, and emotional than I was prepared for. I don’t think I will ever experience a job like this again.” Says Patrick McGlothlin, Senior Project Manager at Lydig Construction.

The new Rainier Beach High School’s model is Build The Beach For Us By Us, and it’s needless to say the efforts are led by the community and built by Lydig Construction. Through their work with the Seattle Public Schools and programs like ANEW, they’re working to create opportunities for individuals to have successful and fruitful careers in construction.

“The sense of pride I feel is amazing. Walking by and thinking I had a hand in building that, is truly an awesome feeling.” Says Rainy Kendall, First Period Apprentice at Lydig Construction.

Former Seattle School Board Director, Betty Patu says “Having a new school is unimaginable. When our kids see this building, it tells them that they are very important to this community. Our kids need and deserve this.”

If you’re looking for a new career and think construction might be for you, you can visit https://bit.ly/RBHS3-Converge to learn more and hear more about the program in the video.


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