Rise Above Sportsfest Uplifts, Inspires Native Youth

“One person in a child’s life can change their life dramatically.” - Jaci McCormack, Founder of Rise Above.

Rise Above hosted their annual SportsFest centered around Native Youth on August 19th. The day featured appearances by celebrities, athletes, and more as youth came together to engage in positive development and athletic activities.

“Native youth face a lot of challenges,” McCormack said. “When you have a suicide rate that’s two and a half times higher than the national average, we need to do something. We’re talking about this generation right now.”

Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field and Floor Hockey were all represented, while special guests like NBA Hall of Famers Lenny Wilkens and George Karl, Olympic Gold Medalist Carla McGhee and Keynote Speaker and Milwaukee Bucks Assistant Coach Vin Baker returned to Seattle for the first time in almost two decades to inspire and uplift the youth. Baker spoked about obstacles he’s overcome during and after his NBA career in a powerful speech.

“We use sport as a modality to educate and empower kids,” McCormack said. “We want to get the kids through the door, and get to them early by connecting them with resources.”

Podcaster Faith Iukes was present at the event. Iukes was featured on Back2Besa in July and you can see that segment on our Instagram. She was excited about the ways Rise Above is sharing their message of hope and support.

“I just want to let people know that Native Americans are still here, and this is our land,” Iukes said. 

The event was a day full of heart and compassion as youth from across the state came together to participate, learn and grow.

“It’s a sportsfest, but really we’re giving kids spaces to dream big dreams and have an impact,” McCormack said.

You can find out more about Rise Above on their page and at their website: https://nativeyouthriseabove.org/


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