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Taking Black Pride 2023 Spreads Love and Resources in Community

This year’s edition of Taking Black Pride brought Seattle’s Trans and Queer community together at Othello Park on August 19th with a focus on creating a family atmosphere. The theme of ‘Family Reunion’ ran through the entire event, as individuals celebrated and stood strong together.

“It’s about celebrating family in all its forms throughout the Trans community,” Taking Black Pride Co-Founder Mattie Mooney said. “We’re really just out here celebrating us and getting to connect with people that we don’t usually get to connect with.”

The event featured performances, food, and resources for community. Program Manager Evana Enabulele was proud of the impact made by the event to provide services to community members who may not normally have access to things like regular haircuts or acupuncture.

“When you think about mainstream pride, it’s always folks having to pay for pride. Everything here is free, including the food and drinks,” Enabulele said. “They leave here feeling important, but also connected.”

Enabulele also spoke about the importance of community building, and pointed out that most attendees don’t necessarily feel that same connection in their day-to-day lives. 

Taking Black Pride has been running for four years as a space for Trans and Queer community members to connect and celebrate. You can find out more here.