Traveling While Black In Seattle looks to take their show to a national audience

Anthony and Marlie Love atop the Space Needle in Seattle. The couple produces a show called Traveling While Black In Seattle and is now looking to take their brand nationwide.

Help Traveling While Black produce their new series expanding their YouTube Channel's mission outside of the Pacific Northwest.

When Anthony and Marlie Love arrived in Seattle from St. Louis, Missouri in 2019, the couple discovered quickly that they didn’t know where to travel or what to do. They realized that a resource was needed to help Black people in the area discover locations they could travel to and feel comfortable while doing it, and so their show was born. 

Since its conception, Traveling While Black in Seattle has built a devoted follower-base and has been added to Converge Media programming. Now, Anthony and Marlie want to take their show to the next level.

“We just started a kickstarter to raise $50,000 so we can take Traveling While Black across North America,” Marlie said. She added that if they reach the goal the show will evolve into a longer-form travel show featuring not only locations but individuals and stories as well. Episodes will increase to around 30 minutes and the couple will interview Black people in the locations they visit about their experiences as locals. 

The funds will go towards production costs as well as travel expenses, allowing Anthony and Marlie to focus on increasing the overall quality of the show and the amount of information provided. They believe that having a show which will give travel information around the entire continent is a valuable resource. 

“What has blown us away is actually being told that we are a resource for other communities of color outside of just the Black community,” Anthony said. “That's been really rewarding for us. They say ‘watching you guys’ episode, your content gives that feeling that, hey, I can go here safely’”. 

They hope to be able to spread their information and experiences on a larger scale, something which needs community support to be able to happen. 

“Any dollar amount helps. $1, $5 pledges will help us get across North America and find places that we can all visit that are fun and beautiful,” Marlie said. 

Anthony added, “It’s about expanding our mission. If Seattle and the YouTube show was phase one, we want to now expand that across North America.”

You can donate here, and check out their Youtube channel here

Backers can receive a variety of rewards for pledging, ranging from keychains to full sponsorship options for businesses


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