Weird At Night Ep 196: Smile Discovery
This week on WEIRD at NIGHT we feature an incredible live performance by Adra Boo! Plus we catch up on all the wild stories that started at Waste Dump 69, the sacred Space Raccoon Temple on Mars. King of the Space Raccoons, Parcival, was banished to the Chamber of Self Discovery by Dartone the Third. What new psychedelic discoveries await their majesty in The Chamber!? Not only that, we will watch an incredible music video from All Star Opera featuring Nacho Picasso and Remember Face. Nadamucho is back with a 'New to You' indie music playlist, and our host Patrick Galactic has new and delicious Public Access gems from the past. Every episode of WEIRD at NIGHT ends with Automatic Writing, a segment where everyone watching gets to participate with the show. Participation in the chat is encouraged, and Patrick often shares the strangest comments and answers live on the show.
WEIRD at NIGHT is a live stream hosted by Patrick Galactic every Saturday at 10pm on Twitch, Youtube and Facebook. We share all kinds of art; poetry, drag, short films, music videos, dance, and visual art. WEIRD at NIGHT has four key principles: Time over money; People over profit; Art is the antidote; attack with Love. Art is for everyone and diversity is essential to WEIRD at NIGHT. It’s important to feature Black, Asian, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ+ Artists, Artists with disabilities, people from all places, experiences and ways of life. This is a live stream for the late night disenfranchised. And it’s weird as f***.