Weird At Night Episode 185: Weird and Getting Weirder

WEIRD at NIGHT is a live stream featuring art, chat participation, and surreal comedy.  This Saturday night we share the amazing new video from Brittany Davis for her song ‘Disconnected’ directed by Om Johari.  Terry Monstrosity and NOTFOR$ALE bring the beats, Noel Brass Jr. explores melody in a new dream break, MARC’L delivers the dance break and General Mojo’s shares an exclusive sneak peek of ‘CLOCKS RUN OUT’ which will debut on WEIRD at NIGHT on March 8th.  

Not only that, this Saturday features the epic finale to our storyline - “The Final Flush!”  For months we have been following the storied rivalry between the Space Raccoons from Mars and the Trash Force of Earth.  In January of 2021, host of WEIRD at NIGHT, Patrick Galactic had a debate on the show with Dartone the Third about their favorite animal.  Their differing opinions on the raccoon changed WEIRD at NIGHT forever.  Dartone created Raqanon, an organization formed to warn humanity about the Space Raccoons from Mars.  Moderator of our chat, AlexEffinV, created Trash Force to fight Dartone’s prejudice with truth in alliance with the raccoons.  Da Qween of Everything, Seattle rapper and ruler of the WAN-iverse, attempted to set things right by banishing Dartone to Noirrland; the monochrome world of mystery.  But in a series of extraordinary events Dartone joined forces with the Space Raccoons from Mars, and AlexEffinV of Trash Force has turned into an evil Queen.  At the height of this conflict, Trae Holiday attended a meeting between the Space Raccoons and the Trash Force that ended in total calamity!  AlexEffinV tried to kill Dartone, and each group took prisoners.  As voice of truth in the WAN-iverse, Trae reported these events to Da Qween of Everything at The Palace and they were not pleased.  Now both armies are preparing for a confrontation on Trash Island, off the coast of Pinot Noir!  Who will activate the radioactive burrito?  What will the Goblin Bird have to say about this?  What the hell am I talking about? Tune in this Saturday Night to see how we conclude this weird story.

WEIRD at NIGHT is a community-focused stream where viewers are encouraged to embrace their creative impulses and interact. Participation is encouraged and many of the artists who join the chat end up as featured stars on the show.  Each episode ends with Automatic Writing. Patrick asks the audience to clear their minds and for one minute type anything they can think of without editing it. He reads each submission live on the show, which often leads to hilarious revelations.  In a new recurring segment, Blazinspace performs the most intriguing auto-write from last episode.

The show has four key principles: Time over money; People over profit; Art is the antidote; attack with Love.  Art is for everyone and diversity is essential to WEIRD at NIGHT.  It’s important to feature Black, Asian, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ+ Artists, Artists with disabilities, people from all places, experiences and ways of life.  This is a live stream for the late night disenfranchised.  And it’s weird as f***.  

Do you want to be on Weird at Night? Do you have a friend or family member we should feature on the show? Just send your video link, song, poem, story, or idea to


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