WEIRD at NIGHT Episode: 206 “Fresh”

This week’s episode of WEIRD at NIGHT promises to leave you feeling fresh.  AFROCOP played the Tractor Tavern for KEXP’s 50th Anniversary and they’ve shared some live recordings from that performance with WEIRD at NIGHT!  We also share some incredible music videos inspired by the playlists shared on WEIRD at NIGHT by Nadamucho Newsy News.  Every episode they share a new playlist of glorious music with Bandcamp links.  Saturday night we’ll watch ‘I Will Definitely Feel Good’ by YATTA, and ‘HKHT’ by Natie.  Each video has its own unique experience spanning from sweet to sexy to funny to serious, and they both attack with love.  WEIRD at NIGHT has four principles; People come first time over Money. Art is the Antidote. Attack with Love.

We always end WEIRD at NIGHT with an auto-write.  This is a segment where Patrick Galactic invites the audience to submit a stream of consciousness chats, along with his own to be shared on the show which often leads to new poetry and hilarious revelations  Many of the surreal stories we tell on WEIRD at NIGHT were inspired by auto-writes.  In fact, Dartone the Third, savior of the WAN-iverse is plagiarizing our moderator AlexEffinV to write his bible, ‘The Book of Dartone.’  Although many view Dartone as a savior, some view him as a fraud.  Many in the WAN-iverse claim to have seen an invisible Spectacle Bear appear on the screen.  In last week’s episode, the Spectacle Bear was caught on camera in Noirrland meeting with Dante, the ruler of Hell and beyond, in an alley.  What deal has the Spectacle Bear made with this new and powerful character?  What does Dante want with the WAN-iverse!?  Will Shoe Detective Steve Germany be able to prove Dartone is a fraud!?  All this and more WEIRD sh*t, Saturday night at 10 PM on WEIRD at NIGHT.


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