Weird At Night Returns on Saturday Night

It’s a new year and a new WEIRD, Baybeee! WEIRD at NIGHT returns Saturday, January 7th at 10pm PT after a brief holiday hiatus via Converge Media’s Facebook channel. Now you may have reasonable questions. “What is WEIRD at NIGHT?” “Am I WEIRD enough?” “Do I know what I’m doing tomorrow at 3:14pm?” The answer to all of these questions is obviously…perhaps? WEIRD at NIGHT is a public access-inspired stream hosted by Seattle musician and well-intentioned imbecile Patrick Galactic. We share music videos, visual art, historical oddities, and our own surreal sketch comedy as we invite the community to participate in real time.

WEIRD at NIGHT is a love letter to creativity. Every episode Patrick concludes the show with the “Autowrite”, a segment where chatters are encouraged to clear their minds as Patrick counts back from 10. Once that is completed, we spend 30-45 seconds writing whatever comes in to our heads until Patrick says “stop”. At that point, each chatter hits Retun or Enter on their keyboards, each autowrite appears in the chat, and Patrick reads each of them out loud. WEIRD at NIGHT encourages everyone to be creative, whether they do it professionally or not.

Whether it’s community, collaboration, creativity, abstract humor, or cutting edge artistry you’re looking for, WEIRD at NIGHT has something for you. Join us this Saturday at 10pm PT!


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