Reunion on Union: A Celebration of Community and Black Joy in the Central District

The Central District of Seattle was recently the site of a heartwarming reunion, aptly named "Reunion on Union." This vibrant event brought together people of all ages, from elders to young children, to celebrate their shared heritage and the enduring spirit of the CD.

The day was filled with music, laughter, and a palpable sense of community. Attendees enjoyed free music, delicious food, and the company of friends and neighbors. The event served as a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving generational wealth and cultural identity within the CD.

Community Voices

Several attendees shared their thoughts on the significance of the reunion:

"This is not only the perfect day, but it's the perfect event... we got the elders out, we got the young kings, we got everything right here."

"We want to keep generational wealth in the CD... it lets everybody know that the CD is still prevalent."

"These are memory-making events... Black joy is something you want in their memory banks early."

"As a vendor, this is important to us because it reminds people that we are a presence in this community."

A Call for More Events

The resounding sentiment among attendees was a desire for more events like Reunion on Union. They emphasized the need for year-round celebrations that foster unity, joy, and cultural pride within the Black community.

"It doesn't just have to be the summertime when we're only going up. We're gonna link up in the winter, really up in the fall."

The Essence of Black Joy

The Reunion on Union event exemplified the essence of Black joy - a happiness that comes from within and is shared with the community. As one attendee eloquently put it, "Black joy is love."


The Reunion on Union event was a beautiful testament to the strength and resilience of the Central District community. It served as a reminder of the importance of coming together to celebrate shared heritage, foster unity, and create lasting memories. The event was a resounding success, and its impact will undoubtedly be felt for years to come.

​​This segment was first aired on Back2Besa on FOX 13 Seattle. See past episodes and segments at and on the FOX Local app. Learn how to download app here


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