
Unveiling Seattle's Artistic Tapestry: A Recap of The Still In Our Feels Showcase

Written by - Besa Gordon: Seattle's vibrant art scene was on full display at the recent 8th edition of The Still In Our Feels showcase, held at AXIS Pioneer Square. As I stepped into the event, I was immediately immersed in a sea of creativity, surrounded by local artists, performers, and enthusiasts alike. This eighth edition of The Still In Our Feels Showcase brought together diverse talent from across the greater Seattle area, offering a platform for emerging and established artists to showcase their work.

The event, which featured 15 showcasing artists and five featured artists, celebrated Women's History Month by highlighting the contributions of female creators. Against the backdrop of pulsating beats and the aroma of delectable food, attendees were treated to a visual feast of artwork spanning various mediums.

Reflecting on the significance of The Still In Our Feels showcase, organizers emphasized their commitment to fostering community and supporting local talent. This dedication was particularly evident in their efforts to engage youth through art education programs like Art Together and workshops. By providing opportunities for young artists to explore their creativity and express themselves, The Fields Foundation is not just hosting an event each year, but nurturing the next generation of artistic visionaries.

For many artists, The Still In Our Feels showcase was not just an opportunity to exhibit their work but also a chance to connect with like-minded individuals and share their passion for creativity. In a world where artists often work in isolation, events like this are a reminder of the importance of community and collective support.

To stay updated on future events and discover more about The Feels Foundation, visit their website at www.thefieldsfoundation.org.

This segment was first aired on Back2Besa on FOX 13 Seattle. See past episodes and segments at whereweconverge.com/back2besa and on the FOX Local app.


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