1st Annual Love is Stronger Gala: Healing Communities Affected by Gun Violence
Photos by Dominique Whittaker
On April 10th, 2024, the 1st annual Love is Stronger community healing gala, took place at the Oregon Convention Center.
Bringing together communities from all different walks of life, who have been affected by gun violence. Keynote speakers from Moms Demand Action to other community leaders took the podium to deliver heartfelt speeches, and some even received awards for their relentless efforts to make change.
Love is Stronger GV (Gang Veterans) are intentional in providing resources and knowledge to help underserved community members heal from decades of trauma suffered from violence. Under the leadership of Lionel Irving Jr., the proceeds of this fundraiser will allow the organization to have boots-to-the-ground action in spots that matter most to community stakeholders. It will also help create a stronger community of advocation and navigation for all underserved youth across the Pacific Northwest.
Hosted by Juma Blaq, the night was full of joy, excitement, fun, laughter as well as emotional at times. With grand performances from artist, YelloPain out of Atlanta GA, who paints a lyrical picture with every song or poem that he delivers, this set for a magical evening.
Blaq, raised in Northeast Portland has overcome homelessness and loss. He is driven by a passion for music and a desire to inspire others through his inspirational hip-hop. Through his performances and music, he aims to be a positive role model while also giving back to the community, with plans for a scholarship program and an underage dance club.
Organized by Lionjevity, and support from Lake Oswego Rotary, Newberg Rotary, and Al Jubitz, just to name a few. The two organizations look forward to continuing the work and making positive progress with LOVE for years to come.
For more information on Love is Stronger, visit their website here.
See more photos from the event taken by Dominique Whittaker on behalf of Converge Media.