Converge Media

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#BlackWallStreet</a> - Community Comes Together to Support Black Business

Black Businesses thrive in Seattle. Yesterday, 102 Black Businesses lined up along Jackson Street for the annual Black Wall Street Event. Folks from around the city and beyond came out to support vendors, eat amazing food and feel the good vibes on a beautiful sunny day. Our Besa Gordon and Trae Holiday were there to take in the scenes and #SupportBlackBusiness.

“The Central District historically has been our center of Black Business, and now we have a second renaissance,” Africa Town Community Land Trust President and CEO K. Wyking Garrett said. 

“You’re out here getting products that you can’t find anywhere else,” Converge Media host Trae Holiday said.

This year also marked the 102nd anniversary of the Black Wall Street bombing in Tulsa, a hate crime which still has lasting impacts across the United States. For many in the community, this annual event is a way to remember those lives lost while pushing for a brighter tomorrow.

“Our memorial is a living memorial by bringing out 102 Black Businesses to make our Wall Street for today, which is a vision of the Wall Street we’d like to see in the future,” Garrett said.

Local Black Owned businesses came through in a major way throughout the entire event. Africa Town Community Land Trust gave a shoutout to all the business owners that spent their Memorial Day on Jackson Street, selling their goods and services, connecting with community, and building relationships. 

“You really run into your family that you haven’t seen for years,” Gordon said. “It’s a whole family reunion vibe.”

Be sure to stay plugged in with all the events in the Summer of Soul Event Series #TapInDontTapOut

Cinematography by Francisco Lopez