Kyle'jacquea 'KJ' Hair of Debonair Decor Couture joins The Day With Trae

Kyle’jacquea (KJ) Hair of Debonair Decor Couture joined Trae Holiday to talk about his time in the fashion industry and his journey to owning his own shop at Pacific Place.

“I’m blessed to be here,” Hair said. “There’s ups and downs, but I believe if you keep showing up and grinding at some point the people will come.”

He also spoke about being an inspiration to the community, and showing people that you can follow your passions and continue to grow through struggle.

“It’s humbling. My sole purpose in doing this is keeping my mom and my brother spirit alive, and I’m thankful that people hear about the store and that i’m inspiring people,” Hair said. “I want to continue to push community and push being an individual.”

Running a small business, though, comes with many challenges. Hair has been hit hard by declining traffic in Downtown Seattle, but he continues to stay true to his vision and push forward.

“It’s hard. People think it’s all peaches and cream but i’m grinding,” Hair said. “If that helps somebody with their journey, I think that’s dope. I encourage people to keep grinding and keep working. I want to see everybody win.”

Hair said he began by selling t shirts on the sidewalk before travelling overseas and figuring out the industry. He hopes that he can become a resource for others and share the experience and knowledge he’s gained with the community.

He also works to inspire his family. He recently launched a new brand with his daughter - Jade Decor.

“She’s my best employee,” Hair said. “She wanted to have her section, and she came up with the name and I said let’s run with it.”

The line features sweatsuits, lip gloss and more. Hair says the line will be available soon.

“I just want to push her to be the best she can be,” Hair says. “I want to teach her that everybody respects work ethic.”

You can find out more about Debonair Decor Couture here


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