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Always moving forward: T’wina Nobles

Converge Media’s Trae Holiday had the pleasure of interviewing Washington State Senator T’wina Nobles at the Green book exhibit at the Washington State Museum in Tacoma.

Senator Nobles reflected on her life experiences, saying they create a unique sense of duty which she brings to the office with her. Her experiences being homeless and growing up in the foster care system are what allowed her to bring the intricacies of these issues to the legislature. Senator Nobles also made sure to express that her background in politics and love of government and community is what allows her to bring purpose to Washington State.

“I think it is more meaningful and more impactful when we have a diversity of backgrounds and stories and experiences dictating what laws should be passed… we pass legislation that will move Washingtonians forward,” said Senator Nobles.

When Senator Nobles was the CEO of the Tacoma Urban League, she credited the city’s stamina for why it has progressed so far. “When I think of legacy, when I think of all of the work that has happened before me, Tacoma did not change; Tacoma did not progress because people gave up,” said Senator Nobles. She credits the leaders in the community that showed up every day to pioneer real change within the community.

When Senator Nobles thought of those that came before, she said this, “The Black folks who really set the framework for what it looks like to build something, literally to build a building like the urban league, and to fight for community, and to wear a gun in a building, because just the sheer audacity to want change was a threat to so many, but when I think about those leaders who got up and did it for decades, I can’t get tired after four or five years of doing this work.”

Senator Nobles made a point to say that she wants to carry forward the audacity of the generations before us. To her, exhibits like the Green Book are important to the community because they show us that the past generations were able to achieve so much and organize long before today's organizations. Senator Nobles believes that the Green Book is evidence that “we are a beautiful and creative people,” said Senator Nobles. She said she is grateful that she has shoulders to stand on because of the generations before her.

If you want to learn more about Senator Nobles, feel free to check out her website, 

Also, make sure to watch the full interview on Youtube above.