PHOTO: Graffiti Unleashed: Red Bull's Urban Art Initiative in West Seattle

Exploring the vibrant intersections of hip-hop culture and urban art, Red Bull's community outreach takes flight in the Emerald City. While Red Bull's Lords of the Floor is coming back to Seattle for the first time in 20 years on April 6th at WaMu, Red Bull has also started putting paint where it ain't as they linked up with world-renowned graffiti artists Totem2, Charms Won, Graves and more, over in West Seattle at the Westside Wall, as they brought an empty wall to life with their artistic graffiti touch.

“Back in 2001, Red Bull Lords of the Floor, was doing their second event in Seattle. And they needed some graffiti artists and I just so happened to be friends with one of the best graffiti artists in the world Totem2. And he brought out his boy Cans. And we were able to go to the dopest breakdance competition that ever existed.” Said Charms Won

Although some may say graffiti can be distracting and take away from the natural beauty within our cities, graffiti artist Amanda declares the opposite and says it shows representation.

“Graffiti can make something that is just so bland, like this black wall that would've been here, make it more lively and show representation for the city and the culture. Not just Hip-Hop culture but for the city. If it's done tastefully, like these murals.” Said Amanda

According to Totem2 graffiti is the first American art form, and all other art forms are from other places around the world.

“Graffiti is the first American-born art form. Every other art form comes from somewhere else. Everything comes from Africa, Asia, and Europe, every form of art that you know of: pen and ink, brush painting, charcoal, sculpture, Woodburn... Everything you can think of was made somewhere else. This medium graffiti, as a medium itself, is homegrown. That's true, Americana. And coming from Atlanta, it was really important for me to really let people know that some of the best of this medium come from right here from our soil. And nobody is as nice as me.” said Totem2

Be sure to see Charms I and Totem2 painting live at Red Bull’s Lords of the Floor on April 6th at WaMu Theater. You can grab your tickets now at

Seattle photographer Jordan Somers was there to capture the moment on behalf of Converge Media.

See the full story this Saturday on Back2Besa at 10:30 pm on FOX 13 Seattle, and catch the replay Sunday at 10 am on FOX 13 +


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