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The Day With Trae, Converge Rayjaun Stelly The Day With Trae, Converge Rayjaun Stelly

Winfield Ezell Jr: A Storyteller's Journey at Converge Media

Winfield Ezell Jr joins Trae in the Black Media Matters Studio. He talks about his new role with Converge Media as the Chief Storyteller and how he's bringing his longstanding career expertise to the team. Winfield shares his journey from Mississippi to the Pacific Northwest, emphasizing the power of community-driven narratives.

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Lorcan Stokes, Converge Lorcan Stokes Lorcan Stokes, Converge Lorcan Stokes

Seattle Officials Announce $14.55 Million Investment to Enhance School Safety and Support Amid Gun Violence

On Thursday, August 21, Mayor Bruce Harrell, joined by Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones at Rainier Beach High School, announced a $14.55 million investment plan to enhance student safety and mental health in Seattle Public Schools. Addressing an audience of press, families, students, and school staff, Harrell emphasized that this initiative is a response to the rise in gun violence as the new school year approaches.

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Lorcan Stokes, News, City Hall Lorcan Stokes Lorcan Stokes, News, City Hall Lorcan Stokes

Seattle City Attorney Launches SODA Initiative Aimed to Combat Drug-Related Crime

On Thursday, August 1, Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison unveiled a new public safety initiative to curb drug-related crime in the city. The proposed legislation, titled "Stay out of Drug Area" or SODA, seeks to empower King County Courts to issue exclusion orders, barring individuals convicted of drug-related offenses from re-entering designated high-risk zones.

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Lorcan Stokes, News Lorcan Stokes Lorcan Stokes, News Lorcan Stokes

Amid Legal Controversies, Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz Is Out; Sue Rahr Appointed Interim Chief

On Wednesday, May 29th, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced at a press conference that Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz will relinquish his role as head of the department. In his place, Mayor Harrell appointed former King County Sheriff Sue Rahr as interim chief. Diaz's departure follows multiple lawsuits alleging gender discrimination and harassment by several female officers within the department and another lawsuit filed against the department last week. These legal challenges have prompted Mayor Harrell to appoint an independent investigation of the department.

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Politics, News Lorcan Stokes Politics, News Lorcan Stokes

From the Central District to the Statehouse? Republican Semi Bird’s run for Governor

In a new segment of Off The Clock, Converge Media's Omari Salisbury hosted a conversation joined by Washington state GOP’s gubernatorial candidate Semi Bird. Born in East Oakland, California, Bird moved to Seattle at six years old. Despite dropping out of high school, he enlisted in the Marine Corps, earned a diploma, and later a bachelor's degree. After serving in the military again as a Special Forces member, he transitioned to federal employment. Now, as the first Black American endorsed by the Washington GOP in state history, he seeks to become the next governor.

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We Live In Color Lorcan Stokes We Live In Color Lorcan Stokes

Pastor Jermell Witherspoon Talks His Journey to Overseeing LUCC's Ministry on We Live In Color

In the second episode of the second season of "We Live in Color," host Deaunte Damper welcomed Jermell Witherspoon, a pastor from the Liberation United Church of Christ (LUCC), renowned for its radical progressivism within the Pentecostal tradition. This segment delves into Witherspoon's poignant journey from his formative years grappling with his sexuality in a religious environment to discovering his calling as a pastor. With heartfelt sincerity, he emphasizes the impact of LUCC's inclusive ethos on the community it serves, underscoring a commitment to acceptance and empowerment.

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CD Forum's Randy Ford Kicks off new ‘We Live In Color’ Season with Deaunte Damper

Season two of "We Live in Color," hosted by Deaunte Damper, launched its premiere featuring the remarkable Randy Ford. In this segment, Ford delves into her beginnings, career, and role as the newest Executive Director of CD Forum. Ford was born and raised in Columbia City, Seattle, with a religious background. Ford's youth was marked by nomadic transitions throughout South King County, all while navigating her gender identity.

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Lorcan Stokes, Black Excellence Lorcan Stokes Lorcan Stokes, Black Excellence Lorcan Stokes

Media Meets Majesty: Justine Baker Miss Black Washington Eyes National Crown

As a digital reporter and producer, Justine Baker has made her mark in the media landscape. As the on-camera host of FOX 13's I've Been Influenced, she highlights the online journeys of content creators and influential social media figures. An author, she’s written books like Major Tips for the Micro-Influencer, a guide to the ins and outs of social media, where she taught everything from online influencing to branding techniques for businesses. Earlier this year, she achieved another milestone—being crowned Miss Black Washington. 

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Lorcan Stokes, Back2Besa Lorcan Stokes Lorcan Stokes, Back2Besa Lorcan Stokes

Jaci McCormack of Rise Above Uplifts Native Youth Through Sport

Rise Above, an organization dedicated to empowering Native American children by providing various sports events, cultural activities, and mentorship programs, recently held one of its basketball clinics at the Nisqually Youth Center in Olympia as part of its ongoing efforts to provide youth outreach for Native communities throughout the United States.

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SDOT’s Christine Alar Spotlights Latest Advancements in Transit and Road Safety Along Rainier Ave

On this segment of The Day With Trae, host Trae Holiday sat down with Christine Alar, a Senior Transportation Planner for the Seattle Department Of Transportation (SDOT), to discuss SDOT's Rainier Ave S Bus Lane Project and the implementation of safety measures throughout the corridor.

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