
Am Tehuti Khamau discusses new play Mango

Meet Am Tehuti Khamau, he serves as the Ur Aua (Oar-owah) - chief priest and paramount king - of the Ausar Auset Society International 's Pennsylvania , Delaware and Southern New Jersey region. As such he has been responsible for the operation of the Het Neter - temple- established in Philadelphia, PA over the last 28 years.

Initiated into the Ausarian spiritual path in 1982, Ur Aua is the chief priest for the region in charge of funerary, naming, marital and monthly spiritual ceremonies. He oversees the administration of the society's many classes, seminars and intensives on subjects including: Qi Gong, Kamitic Spirituality, Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Holistic Health, and Divination. Uraua has initiated three classes of priests and manages their continued training.

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton school of business, Uraua has played a foundational role in the society's chief businesses which include: The Nile Café - Philadelphia's longest running Vegan restaurant, Nu Waters - Philadelphia's only African owned industrial scale water purification store and The Nile Garden's - an indoor - outdoor event and performance venue.

Am stopped by The Day With Trae to discuss the new play Mango - a theatrical meditation: Uraua wrote and directed his first play entitled Mango. The play was inspired by his efforts to bring the beauty and power of Kamitic Meditation to younger generations. It invites audiences to join in the magical transformation of a young man struggling to find his path to love and career success. The play was co-written and directed by Shakasis - Qenamsanut and features performances by the musical genius Katriel - Stephen Wise


Shakasis (Qen Ammsa Nut) - Little Kamit Books


Heru TchaasAmen - Heru Health & Wellness