
Tye Reed Discusses Seattle's Social Housing Initiative on The Day With Trae

Tye Reed, co-founder of House Our Neighbors, joined The Day With Trae to discuss Seattle's innovative social housing initiative. This model aims to address the city's housing crisis by creating permanently affordable, government-owned housing with capped rents, ensuring housing stability for a wider range of incomes.

Unlike traditional low-income housing, social housing targets middle-income earners like teachers, nurses, and nonprofit workers who often struggle to afford market-rate rents. The initiative emphasizes community involvement, with plans to incorporate amenities like health centers, daycares, and community gardens into future developments.

House Our Neighbors is hosting a series of listening posts to gather community input and educate the public about social housing. The first session will be held on August 18 from 2 to 4 pm at Washington Hall.

More information: www.houseourneighbors.org


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