A Mutual Goodbye - Iconic Seattle fish market closes its doors after 77 years. Besa Gordon and her show Back2Besa teamed up with Cynthia Brothers from Vanishing Seattle to capture the moment and honor the legacy of the historic Mutual Fish Company.
Last week, Besa Gordon decided to do something that she hadn’t done in a while… a real deal roadtrip. She took a trip across the state to Spokane - and let her tell it:“My girl Nicole and I headed to the other side of the Evergreen State into the City of Spokane - 280 miles from downtown Seattle, basically a four and a half hour drive.
Have you heard about Terrain? The annual one-night-only event in Spokane is one of the regions largest gatherings of artists from all over the world. Featuring nearly 400 artists, Terrain has firmly established its name as one of the top destinations for art lovers in the Pacific Northwest. Back2Besa host Besa Gordon headed across the state to check it out for herself.
Back2Besa headed to the ‘Happiest Place On Earth’ for a special holiday preview. Host Besa Gordon was at Disney Land’s Holiday Preview event in Anaheim, where she hosted a live radio broadcast on HITS 106.1 and learned all about what they have in store for the holiday season.
One of Seattle’s most iconic poets hosted a book reading and signing event at African Streetwear Gallery TASWIRA last week. Rajnii Eddins, founder of The Poetry Experience, shared words from his book ‘In The Coded Language Of This Mortal Tongue’ amongst an audience of artists, friends, and fans. The event showcased the power of his words alongside live instrumental performances.
Community members gathered at Lake Washington Park on Saturday to celebrate Elijah Lewis Day on what would have been his 24th Birthday. Family, friends, and community leaders hosted a lantern ceremony to honor Lewis, who was tragically murdered in April while defending his nephew.
#HBCU #SwingmanClassic - "This is a family reunion.”It was a historic day in the Emerald City as the first-ever Swingman Classic took over T-Mobile park on Friday and brought Seattle’s Black community to the stadium for a celebration of Black joy, baseball, and HBCUs. The game brought 50 of the best HBCU baseball players from around the country to Seattle to showcase their talents, while an HBCU college fair took place in the concourse.
#DayOfRemembrance - Last Monday, community members gathered to remember those we’ve lost during the City of Seattle and the Alliance for Gun Responsibility One Seattle Day of Remembrance event at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church on Capitol Hill in Seattle. It was a somber and reflective day featuring a memorial as well as a look at the work different organizations and individuals are doing throughout the community to end the epidemic of violence.
It was a community reunion in the #CentralDistrict on Sunday as @africatownlandtrust hosted their annual Reunion On Union creating space for those who used to call the CD home but have been displaced over the years to come back home to the neighborhood to fill their hearts, souls, and stomachs. Over 450 seats lined East Union Street between 23rd and 24th Avenue in the shadow of ACLT’s Liberty Bank Building as generations of Central District residents greeted, laughed, and cried.
Seattle-based artists Moses Sun, and barry johnson, recently wrapped up their two-month tandem residency at The Understory. The public exhibit space, situated at the base of the Amazon Spheres, invited Moses and Barry to hold studio hours as part of Amazon's latest efforts to uplift the local arts community. Vivid Matter Collective Co-founder and Queen of Converge Takiyah Ward caught up with the duo to discuss their experience at Understory, their collaborative process, and the reception of their art.
"A lot of artists throughout history kind of work in caves. And a lot of people think about, particularly painting is like magic, because they're always wanting to get so close to it and say, like, 'how did you do that?' And to be able to be in this space daily, and get a couple 100 people that walk through Spheres, it's more than any show I've ever held in my life." He continued to say, "So it's great to be able to have work that I'm making [in] real time and to be able to have people from everywhere that kind of stumble into this place that are able to walk up and say, 'What are you doing?' 'Why are you doing it?' 'And can you tell me about like you?' " Said johnson
When asked what it's been like working together, Moses Sun said, "This time here with Barry has been very cool because barry and I, are we're the art brothers." He continued to say, "We all came together [in] 2020 for the Black Lives Matter protests mural. And then we've just taken off ever since being within here in the Understory right below the Amazon spheres, where there's this living, breathing plants and people populating going in and out. Some people wander in here thinking they're going to the Amazon Spheres. And then they're delighted to see there's something going on here."
To learn more about Moses Sun and barry johnson, you can headover to mosessun.studio to learn more about Moses, visit barryjohnson.com to learn more about barry, and head over to VividMatterCollective.com to learn more about VMC.
Tune into #Back2Besa on FOX 13 Seattle for more interviews like this every Saturday at 10:30 pm, with a replay on Sundays at 10 am on FOX 13+