Celebrating 50 Years of Impact: Solid Ground's Journey to Eradicate Poverty in Seattle

Fifty years is a significant milestone for any organization, and for Solid Ground, it marks half a century dedicated to eradicating poverty in the greater Seattle community. Earlier this month, Solid Ground celebrated its 50th Anniversary Gala, a momentous event that reflected on the impactful work they've done over the years and highlighted the stories of those they've helped.

Founded in 1974 as the Fremont Public Association (FPA), Solid Ground began its mission to address poverty in Seattle. Over the years, the organization evolved to offer a wide range of services aimed at removing barriers and promoting equitable opportunities. These services include food pantries, housing support, youth development programs, legal aid for individuals denied state benefits, and counseling for renters experiencing issues with their landlords.

The gala was an opportunity to celebrate the organization's achievements and honor those who have played pivotal roles in its success. Host of Back2Besa, Besa Gordon had the pleasure of speaking with several key figures that night, including Solid Ground CEO Shalimar Gonzales, Board Chair Mary Ruffin, Advocacy Director Marcy Bowers, and keynote speaker Omari Salisbury, CEO of Converge Media. Each shared inspiring insights into the organization's journey and the impact of their work.

One of the highlights of the evening was the incredible generosity of the donors, who raised an impressive $300,000. These funds will enable Solid Ground to continue its life-changing mission and further empower community members to thrive.

For those in need of Solid Ground's services, help is just a phone call or click away. You can reach them by calling 2-1-1 or visiting their website at solid-ground.org and clicking "Get Help."

A big shoutout to Solid Ground for their ongoing commitment to empowering our community members and for making a tangible difference in the fight against poverty. Here's to another 50 years of impactful work!


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