From Beats to Broccoli: Keith Tucker's Hip Hop is Green Revolution

In a recent interview on The Day With Trae, Keith Tucker, founder of Hip Hop is Green, discussed his organization's mission to promote health and wellness as the tenth element of hip-hop. Tucker, a long-time activist and hip-hop enthusiast, was inspired to found Hip Hop is Green after learning about the negative impacts of chemicals in the food system on Black and Brown communities.

The organization initially focused on serving vegan meals to youth and families and hosting events featuring hip-hop artists who shared the message of healthy living. Hip Hop is Green has served over 40,000 meals and partnered with Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign.

In recent years, Hip Hop is Green has shifted its focus to educating young people about climate change and plant-based eating through its Youth Excellence Program. The program teaches about the environmental impacts of food production and empowers youth to become "climate change makers."

Tucker's vision for Hip Hop is Green is ambitious but grounded in the belief that hip-hop can be a powerful force for positive change in the world. He sees the tenth element of hip-hop as a way to address some of the most pressing issues facing our planet, including climate change, food insecurity, and health disparities.

To learn more about Keith Tucker and Hip Hop is Green, visit their website at or follow them on Instagram @hiphopisgreen.


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