Meet Kisa Dupe: 2024 Miss Washington HBCU Teen

Last week on The Day with Trae, guest host Deaunte Damper sat down with Kisa Dupe, the recent recipient of the 2024 Miss Washington HBCU teen title. In this episode, Dupe tells Damper about her experience participating in the Miss HBCU Teen pageant, a program and competition focused on providing scholarships and resources to high school girls of color who intend to attend an HBCU. Dupe was recently accepted into Spelman College.

"People knew that I wanted to go to Spellman for a long time, so when I was able to announce that I had got accepted, everyone around me was very supportive and very happy for me," Dupe said. "So I'm really excited about my future and going to an HBCU."

During her conversation with Damper, Dupe gave words of wisdom for girls planning on pursuing a higher education.

"Just keep your head held high and keep going," Dupe said. "Keep going through it and just keep applying yourself because all the hard work is going to pay off in the end."

Dupe also highlighted the importance of community members enrolling in HBCUs, especially those from states such as Washington, where there are none. 

"We don't really have the same exposure as, say, some states, maybe more down south, who have HBCUs in their state. So they're growing up seeing HBCUs, being surrounded by the culture, whereas here in the Pacific Northwest, we're kind of shielded from that viewpoint and our culture," Dupe said. " I really feel as though it's important for Washington students to kind of explore outside of Washington and to get more acclimated within their own culture, even if it does come with moving out of state."

To reach out to Kisa and learn more about the Miss HBCU Teen pageant, contact her here

To hear more inspiring conversations in the community, tune in to The Day With Trae live at 11 am Monday through Friday on all Converge Media platforms and The Day With Trae's new YouTube Channel.


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