
Heru TchaasAmen: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment

Heru TchaasAmen is an African Kamitic Spiritual Initiate and Certified Yuan Ming Instructor who has dedicated his life to guiding others on their path to self-discovery and inner peace. With a focus on Black and marginalized communities, Heru partners with individuals to unlock their full potential and realize genuine peace as the foundation for success in all aspects of life.

Heru's diverse background encompasses meditation, health and wellness life coaching, and nutrition. He integrates these with transformative practices like Qigong, Yuan Ming medicine, Qi-healing, sound therapy, and breathing therapy to empower, inspire, and uplift those he works with.

Through his teachings and guidance, Heru TchaasAmen provides healing support for individuals, families, small groups, and businesses. His philosophy centers on the belief that true peace is not only the key to contentment but also the bedrock upon which success is built.

This week, Heru TchaasAmen stops by The Day With Trae to talk about his ongoing Qigong classes at the Waterfront.

Find out when his next class is here: waterfrontparkseattle.org/events


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